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Planning Board

Our 5 person planning board is here to help you!  

2020 Planning Board Members Are:
Tom McCurdy  207.255.3682
Brian Frutchey 207.255.0331

Alex Currier     207.263-4631

Kevin Millay     207.255.4127

Mike Anderson 207.255.0606

Our Planning Board meets the 3rd Wednesday of
each month.



Submit a Building Permit Request 


Click on the link to the left to open Request/Application for a Building Permit. Once completed please submit to the Planning Board.

Please ensure that you provide the following with your application

1. Completed, signed Application.

2. Proposed Plans

3. Application Fee 


Mail these items to:

Town of Northfield
P.O. Box 263

Machias, ME 04654


We will contact you just as soon as possible.


Tips for submitting a Building Permit Application:


If you are planning on submitting a Building Permit Request and have concerns about your project, you may  be able to find some guidance by:

Reviewing our Shoreland Zoning Ordinances.
Calling a Planning Board Member

Calling the Code Enforcement Officer



If you have concerns about the planning board decision


Please contact Chairman of the Board Tommy McCurdy 255-3682 should you have concerns about the handling of your request.

Additionally we have an Appeals Board Chairman Sherry Frasier 255-3232.

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