Northfield students have the privilege of attending schools in Machias and East Machias. Northfield provides school bus transportation to the town of Machias Schools and students wishing to attend the semi private Washington Academy High School in East Machias can board a bus from the Machias School bus stop to get to Washington Academy.
Our education services are administered by A.O.S. 96 in Machias, led by superintendent Scott Porter. If you wish to get information about the schools or register your children please refer to or call the superintendent's office at 207.255.6585.
If you have questions about which school options and tuition your student has or transportation please email Northfield selectpersons.
School Information
Designated School Bus Stops
Location #1
Across from the Northfield Town office on Rt. 192 the bus stop is across the street on the Eastern Ridge Road turnoff.
Location #2
Just past the Public Boat Landing on Route 192
Both stops do not provide shelter or crossing guards. Parents are responsible for the child's safety while waiting to board the bus.
Local Schools
Machias Memorial High School