Who We Are
Select Persons
Meets 2nd Monday each month
Ann Grange 207.255.6015
Lis Patryn 207-271-0103
Brian Frutchey 207.255.0331
Planning Board
Meets 3rd Wednesday each month
Tom McCurdy 207.255.3682
Jamie Roberts 207.
Alex Currier 207.263.4631
Kevin Millay 207.255.4127
Mike Anderson 207.255.0606
Town Clerk
Amanda Manship
Office 207-745-3268
Email: northfieldclerk@gmail.com
VOTERS-Info for Absentee Ballots
General Assistance
Catherine Ryan Quint 207.255.4192
Property Tax Assessor
J. Doug Guy 207.263.6824
Town Financial
Town Treasurer / Tax Collector
Victoria Boone 207.263.4900
Email Treasurer
Deputy Treasurer
Cheryl Miller
Excise Tax, Auto/Trailer
Registration, Licenses
Town of Machias, Town Hall
Animal Control Officer
Jessica Lewis 207-401-0333
Code Enforcement
Plumbing Inspector
James Bradley 207.255.8874
Road Commissioner
Terry Hayward 207.255.8669
Town Fire Warden
John Thompson 207.255.8826
Richard Lamasney 207.255.5854
Registrar of Voters
Amanda Manship
School Board
Becky Hennessey 207.356.9381
Abby Frutchey 207.263.8040
Sandy Anderson 255-0606
Health Officer
Amy Zipperer