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Property Information

We have gathered information on this page to help you find answers to questions about property in Northfield, Maine. You may also click here to search for more information on our lakes. Please see the linked article regarding Milfoil infestation in lakes and the impact that it could have on our lakes.

Property Tax/Assessing


Our town contracts with Doug Guy, Certified Maine Assessor. Doug performs property assessments and provides the information to our Tax Collector.

As a public service we mail property tax bills to property owners. If you want additional information on Property Taxes contact Doug Guy.

You can obtain tax information by  clicking here.



Northfield has compiled a list of Ordinances over the years. Most of the ordinances are for the protection of every person, animal or natural resource within our town limits. Ordinances have been proposed, discussed and voted on by our residents. You may click here to see the ordinances. 

Planning Board


Northfield has a 5 person Planning Board. You may call any of the members with building questions by clicking here, or emailing them. 
We offer a Building Permit Application form for printing, completing and submitting. Once received our board will review, ask for more information if needed or provide you with a decision on your building Permit request. 

Code Enforcement


In addition to our Planning Board we have a Code Enforcement Officer. Our Code Enforcement Officer helps us to ensure that we are protecting our natural resources, along with providing guidance on the development of our town. The knowledge and forsight of the officer may remove concerns about  the affects of new development harming our environment.



Occasionally a town finds a need for a specific skill and in all fairness will request that bids be submitted to our office for review and acceptance. If we should post a bid  you  would find that noted here:


Fire Warden/Burn
If you are looking for a permit to burn brush
etc. You may get a permit by contacting:

Primary Fire Warden: 
John Thompson 207.255.8826

Back up Fire Warden:

Richard Lamasney 207.255.5854
Flood Mapping Information
The Town will post updated information regarding FEMA flood mapping as it becomes available.
Recent Updates:


There are no bid opportunities at this time.

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