Northfield Selectmen Report 2021-2022
Dear Northfield Residents,
The Town of Northfield was certainly challenged during the FY 2021 – 2022. We Selectmen couldn't accomplish what we do without the hard work from our Town Staff. A big thanks goes out to our Town Clerk, our Planning Board members, our Treasurer, Tax Collector, CEO, and our Appeals Board members. My personal thanks to all the members of our Town Staff. Job well done! Additionally, thanks to all the volunteers that helped during last years and this year's Election.
Low Taxes: We all worked hard to keep taxes low during this unprecedented time in our country, state and town. We reduced taxes from $10.40 per thousand last year, down to $8.40 per thousand for 2022. The selectmen are committed to making sure Northfield Residents have more money in their pockets. Small local government and budgets that benefit the residents of Northfield we believe is key to managing our small town.
Cell Tower update: I wanted to update you on the towns effort to have a cell tower within Northfield. In June 2021, the town entered into an agreement with Wireless Realty Advisors (WRA) to advertise and seek companies that would be interested in installing a Cell Tower on a specific town owed property, just down the hill from our Town Office. To date there has been little to no movement from WRA. Fast forward to March 2022 the town received a call from Rising Tide Towers LLC. They have secured rights thru a private land owner to install a tower. The property is located on the Eastern Ridge Road across from Abby Ln. In addition to cell coverage, Broadband may be available for town residents. Permit has been approved by our Planning Board. Rising Tide Towers relates they may have a tower up by end of summer, but no hard date is set yet. I will share more as I get details.
College Scholarships for Northfield Seniors: Northfield Scholarship Committee Lis Patryn, Abby Frutchey, Ann Gosselin and Katie Presley have revamped our College Scholarship Fund for Northfield graduates that are continuing on to college. This will put more money in the pocket of our graduating HS kids. For instance, instead of splitting $1,000 between all graduating kids, under the new agreement, each graduate will receive $1,000 a piece if going on to college. Job well done everyone!
Illegal Dumping: I wanted to let all Northfield Residents know there has been illegal dumping going on within the town. Black Cow Meadow Rd seems to be a dumping ground for people that don't want to go to Marion Station, instead they dump their trash, metal, tires, cars, etc out on Black Cow Meadow Rd. We are working with the owners of those properties to help them get them cleaned up. Additionally, our local Game Wardens and Forest Rangers have been contacted to be on the look out for illegal dumping. More to follow! I ask all residents if you see illegal dumping, please report it to a town official.
Bldg Permits: Just as a reminder, after effective date of our Northfield Shoreland Zoning Ordinance, no person shall WITHOUT first obtaining a permit, engage in any activity or use of land or structure requiring a permit in the district in which such activity or use would occur; or expand, change, or replace an existing use or structure; or renew a discontinued nonconforming use. A person which is issued a permit pursuant to this Ordinance shall have a copy of the permit on site while the work authorized by the permit is performed.
Residents input on the future of Northfield's small town: We have 152 registered voters in our town and less than 50 voted in our last two elections. Additionally, the last two Annual Town Hall Meetings, we had less than 12 participate, and that's including our Town Staff. So what can we read from this, maybe town residents are happy with what we are doing as Town Officials or they want nothing to do with Town Issues and just want to be left alone. Either one I'm OK with, but I just wanted to allow your voices to be heard.
The next Annual Town Hall meeting is scheduled for 30 June 2022 @7PM, where you can have a say and vote on your town officials and Warrants created.
Selectmen meetings are scheduled for the 2nd Monday of every month at 6PM, the Planning Board meets every 3rd Wednesday of the month at 6PM. If you want to attend the meetings with input or concerns then contact the Selectmen or Planning Board and get on the schedule prior to the meeting. This will allow us time to gather information prior to the meeting.
Gregory C. Morgan
Chairman, Northfield Selectmen's Board
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